The BSV-20VS vertical bandsaw adds to an already impressive range of vertical bandsaws from Baileigh Industrial. Not only does the BSV-20VS bridge the gap between the popular BSV-16 and the huge capacity of the BSV-24, but adds a variable speed pulley. The BSV-20VS vertical bandsaw is one of the most useful and versatile tools you will ever buy. Because of its true variable speed, this vertical bandsaw can used to cut wood, metal, and even plastic. You can also not only use it to make straight cuts, but also those awkward curved cuts too. The BSV-20VS is a must for any serious fabrication shop.
The BSV-20VS vertical bandsaw also includes a saw blade shear, and a saw blade butt welder with a built-in grinder for finishing the weld joint. And to make sure that your cuts are straight and repeatable, Baileigh Industrial is also including a rip fence and protractor. Like the rest of the Baileigh Industrial vertical bandsaws, the BSV-20VS is typically in stock for fast deliveries.