Alot of times when purchasing a new peice of equipment that needs tooling to make it work, there are a questions as to which peices of tooling are the most popular. Baileigh Industrial has helped out by makeing a starter kit for the PH-28HD with the most commonly purchased dies.
Kit includes:
SKU Description
1005974 2.5 medium thumbnail shrink dies
1005979 master flat top die 3.0
1005982 3.0 radius lower die 2.0 dia
1005983 6.0 radius lower die 3.0 dia
1005984 8.0 radius lower die 3.0
1005985 12.0 radius lower die 3.0
1005986 24.0 radius lower die 3.0
1005987 36.0 radius lower die 3.0
1005992 1 radius linear stretch
1005994 rubber top die 80 durometer 3.0